Past CSP Statements
Civil Society Remarks at the CSP
At the annual Conference of the States Parties (CSP) to the Chemical Weapons Convention, the CWC Coalition coordinates the submission of NGO statements from accredited NGOs that are read during a designated session of the General Debate.
Civil society was first allowed to speak during plenary sessions in the main hall of the World Forum during the Third Five-Year Review Conference (RC-3) in 2013. Although NGO representatives had been allowed to attend annual CWC conferences since the late 1990s, none were allowed to speak before the conference plenaries until the CWC Coalition negotiated speaking slots with the OPCW General Committee and the RC-3 chairman in 2013.
Statements that have been delivered by accredited NGOs at the Conference of States Parties will be uploaded here. These documents can also be accessed on the OPCW website under the Documents section for each Conference.
29th Conference of States Parties (2024)
- Joint Statement on Chemical Weapons Destruction
- Joint Statement on Education
- Joint Statement on the Implementation of a Digital Monitoring Platform
- Joint Statement on Improving Interactions between Civil Society and the OPCW
- Joint Statement on Increasing Regional Representation of Civil Society
- Joint Statement on Keeping Pace with Advances in AI and Converging Technologies
- Joint Statement on Old, Abandoned, Buried, and Sea-Dumped Weapons
- Joint Statement on Public Health
- Joint Statement on Recommendations from Civil Society for the Next Five Years
- Joint Statement on State Disinformation
- Joint Statement on the Use of Riot Control Agents
- Joint Statement on Civil Society Participation and Transparency
- Joint Statement on Chemical Weapons and AI
- Joint Statement on Victims Rights and Health
- Human Suffering and Systemic Failures: Reassessing Global Responses to Syria’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities (SNHR) (Arabic version)
28th Conference of States Parties (2023)
- The Role of NGOs in Advancing the CWC in the Next Century
- Maintaining a World Free of Chemical Weapons
- Addressing the Development and Use of Riot Control Agents in Law Enforcement and Armed Conflict
- Engaging Public Health Organizations in Outreach and Education Activities in Member Countries
- Completion of Chemical Weapons Destruction in the United States
- Chemical Weapons Victims’ Rights and Health
- Preventing Acquisition of Chemical Weapons by Non-State Actors
- Centering the Humanitarian Impact of Chemical Weapons in the Next Phase of the CWC
5th Review Conference (2023)
- Completion of Chemical Weapons Destruction in the United States
- The CWC Schedules: Addressing Scientific and Technological Advances in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Engaging Public Health Organizations in Outreach and Education Activities in Member Countries
- Centering the Humanitarian Impact of Chemical Weapons in the Next Phase of the CWC
- Maintaining a World Free of Chemical Weapons
- Preventing Acquisition of Chemical Weapons by Non-State Actors
- Promoting International Cooperation on Abandoned Sea Dumped Chemical Weapons in the Context of a Climate Crisis
- Strengthening the Prohibition on the Use of Chemical Weapons
- Chemical Weapons Victims’ Rights and Health
- Joint Statement on the Role of NGOs in Advancing the CWC in the Next Quarter Century
27th Conference of States Parties (2022)
Individual NGO Statements:
- Statement and video by ICAN Kurdistan Network – IKN, “Attack on Erbil“
- Statement and video by Srivaranam Organisation for the Environmental Education (SOEE), “Concept of Dual-Use Chemicals“
- Statement and video by ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina, “Dealing With Mis- and Disinformation”
- Statement and video by Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights, “Oral Statement About Chemical Terrorism”
- Statement and video by Foundation for Defence of Democracies, “Russian CWC Compliance“
- Statement by Doors NGO, “Statement on Chemical Terrorism“
- Statement by the Henry L. Stimson Center Foundation
- Statement by Sadik Toprak, MD, “Supporting More Scientific Research About Preventing Chemical Weapons Use“
- Statement and video by the Syrian Network for Human Rights
- Statement by Dr. Michael Crowley and Malcolm Dando, “Toxin and Bioregulator Weapons“
- Statement by Dr. Stefano Costanzi, “Next Steps in Expanding the Chemical Weapons Convention Schedules“
- Statement by Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, “Status of United States Meeting the September 30, 2023 Deadline for the Destruction of Their Remaining Chemical Weapons”
Joint NGO Statements:
- Joint Statement and video: Addressing Development and Use in Law Enforcement of CNS-Acting Chemical and Riot Control Agents and Associated Means of Delivery
- Joint Statement and video: Attacks on Civilian Chemical Facilities
- Joint Statement and video: Challenges of Chemical Terrorism
- Joint Statement and video: Chemical Weapons Victims’ Health and Rights
- Joint Statement and video: Compliance and Accountability
- Joint Statement and video: Full National Implementation of the CWC at the State Level
- Joint Statement and video: Universality of the CWC
- Joint Statement: Chemical Safety, Security, Cybersecurity, and Reducing Chemical Threats
- Joint Statement and video: Chemical Security
- Joint Statement: Promoting Cooperation on Sea Dumped Chemical Weapons in the Context of a Climate Crisis
Special Statement:
- CWC Coalition: Joint Statement Regarding CSP Rejections by the General Committee
26th Conference of States Parties (2021)
- Joint NGO Statement 1: Accountability for Old, Abandoned, and Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons – written by Kathryn Millett (Biosecure Ltd)
- Joint NGO Statement 2: Regulation of Law Enforcement Use of Toxic Chemicals – written by Dr. Michael Crowley (Omega Research Foundation, University of Bradford, UK) and Malcolm Dando (University of Bradford, UK)
- Joint NGO Statement 3: Chemical Weapons Victims’ Medical Needs – written by Homeyra Karimivahed (The Organization for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons); Kathryn Millett (Biosecure Ltd), and Elaheh Pooyandeh (Tehran Peace Museum)
- Joint NGO Statement 4: Organizational Governance and Evolution within the OPCW – written by Alexander Ghionis (The Harvard Sussex Program)
- Joint NGO Statement 5: U.S. Chemical Weapons Stockpile Elimination – written by Craig Williams (Kentucky Environmental Foundation)
- Joint NGO Statement 6: Strengthening Education, Outreach, and Other Public Health Initiatives in All Member States – written by Deborah Klein Walker (American Public Health Association), Maria Espona (ArgIQ – Argentina Information Quality), and Nivedita Das Kundu (United Services Institution of India)
- Joint NGO Statement 7: The Chemical Weapons Convention and National Compliance – written by Daryl Kimball and Paul F Walker (Arms Control Association)
- Joint NGO Statement 8: CWC National Implementation – written by Thomas Brown, Yasemin Balci, Sonia Drobysz, Suzanna Khoshabi (VERTIC); Timur Cherikov (Center for Non-Proliferation and Export Control); and Sherko Ahmad Abdulla (Green Environmental Organization)
- Joint NGO Statement 9: Next Steps in Strengthening Controls Over Novichok Agents and Precursors – written by Dr. Paul Walker (Arms Control Association)
- Joint NGO Statement 10: Chemical Security and the Prevention of Chemical Terrorism – written by Hubert Foy (African Center for Science and International Security (AFRICSIS)), Richard Cupitt (The Stimson Center), and Nivedita das Kundu (United Services Institution of India)
- Statement by Saluki N. Olatunji (Center for Countermeasures Against Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents)
- Statement by Anna Paternnosto (CBRNe Society)
- Statement by Timur Cherikov (Center for Non-Proliferation and Export Control)
- Statement by Terrance Long (International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions- IDUM)
- Statement by Paul Schulte
25th Conference of States Parties (2020)
- CBRNe Society: Statement by Ms. Anna Paternnosto
- Association for the Defence of Chemical Injuries in the Fars Province (SCWVSF), Iran: Statement by Mr. Mohammad Ali Hajipour
- Arms Control Association and Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul Walker
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A: Statement by Ms. Irene Kornelly
- Pakistan House: Statement by Muhammad Athar Javed, PhD
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Ms. Maria Jose Espona
- South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI): Statement by Dr. Maria Sultan
- The Harvard Sussex Program: Statement by Mr. Alexander Ghionis
- Kurdish Organizations Network Coalition for the International Criminal Court (KONCICC): Statement by Mr. Sarkout Mahmoud
- United Services Institution of India: Statement by Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu
- Istanbul University: Statement by Dr. Sadik Toprak
- Rutgers University (Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological Weapons Control): Statement by Marie Isabelle Chevrier
- American Public Health Association (APHA): Statement by Dr. Deborah Klein Walker
- The Association of Supporting Victims of Chemical Weapons (ASVCW): Statement by Mr. Seyed Kamal Loh Mousavi
- Mayors for Peace: Statement by Mr. Khder Kareem
- Center for International Security Studies and Strategic Research, MEF University, Istanbul: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu
- International Dialogues on Underwater Munitions (IDUM): Statement by Mr. Terrance P. Long
- Kentucky Environmental Foundation: Statement by Mr. Craig Williams
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA): Statement by Ajey Lele
- Verification, Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC): Statement by Ms. Yasemin Balci
24th Conference of States Parties (2019)
- Pakistan House, Denmark: Statement by Dr. Muhammad Athar Javed
- Harvard-Sussex Program: Statement by Mr. Alexander Ghionis
- Istanbul University: Statement by Dr. Sadik Toprak
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A.: Statement by Ms. Irene Kornelly
- Bulent Ecevit University: Statement by Dr. Emine Yilmaz
- Rif Memory Association, Morocco: Statement by Mr. Abdelmajid Azzouzi
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India: Statement by Dr. Ajey Lele
- International Center for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS): Statement by Ambassador Krysztof Paturej
- Mayors for Peace: Statement by Mr. Kheder Kareem
- Association of Protecting Victims of Chemical Weapons, Iran: Statement by Mr. Seyed Kamal Loh-Moossavi
- VERTIC: Statement by Ms. Yasemin Balci
- Organization for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODVCW), Iran: Statement by Ms. Homeyra Karimivadeh
- Center for International Security Studies and Strategic Research: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Ms. Maria Jose Espona
- Halabja Chemical Victims Society: Statement by Mr. Hoshmand Morad
- Iranian Green Peace Chemical Weapons Association: Statement by Mr. Rezvan K. Salehani
- Association for the Defence of Chemical Injuries in the Fars Province (SCWVSF), Iran: Statement by Mr. Nima Esteki
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM): Statement by Mr. Terrance P. Long
- Tehran Peace Museum: Statement by Dr. Ahmad Momeni Rad
- United Services Institution of India (USI), New Delhi, India: Statement by Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu
- Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker
23rd Conference of States Parties (2018)
- American Public Health Association, Washington DC, USA: Statement by Deborah Klein Walker
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) New Delhi, India: Statement by Dr. Ajey Lele
- Arms Control Association Washington, DC, USA: Statement by Alicia Sanders-Zakre
- African Centre for Science and International Security (AFRifCSIS), Accra, Ghana: Statement by Hubert K. Foy
- The Harvard Sussex Program on Chemical and Biological Weapons: Statement by Dr. Catriona McLeish
- Pakistan House: Statement by Dr. Muhammad Athar Javed
- Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC): Statement
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, Pueblo, Colorado, USA: Statement by Ms. Irene Kornelly
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Maria Jose Espona
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions: Statement by Terrance Long
- Bulent Ecevit University Zonguldak: Statement by Dr. Sadik Toprak
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affaires: Statement by Amb. (ret.) S. Barsanov
- Organization for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODVCW), Iran: Statement by Ms. Homeyra Karimivahed
- Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support: Statement by Mohamed Reza Sedighi Moghadam
- Mayors for Peace: Statement by Khder Kareem
- Bradford University/Omega Research Foundation: Statement by Dr. Michael Crowley
- United Services Institution of India (USI), New Delhi, India: Statement by Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu
- Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict, New Delhi, India: Statement by Animesh Roul
- Association for the Defence of Chemical Injuries in the Fars Province (SCWVSF), Iran: Statement by Nima Esteki
- University of Melbourne, Australia: Statement by Dr. Robert Mathews
- Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker
- Prof. Ulf Schmidt, Dphil, Oxon, PGCHE, FRHistS, Fritz-HaberInstitute, Max-Panck-Society/University of Kent: Statement
- MEF University, Istanbul, Turkey: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu
- International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS): Statement by Amb. Krzysztof Paturej
- Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) Iran: Statement by Elaheh Pooyandeh
22nd Conference of States Parties (2017)
- United Services Institution of India (USI), New Delhi, India: Statement by Nivedita Das Kundu
- Farmers Care Foundation, Ghana: Statement by Mr. Thomas Kwame Osei
- Organization for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODCVW), Iran: Statement by Ms. Homeyra Karimivahed
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs: Statement by Amb. (ret.) S. Batsanov
- South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI) University, Pakistan: Statement by Dr. Maria Sultan
- Pakistan House, Denmark: Statement by Dr. (Rana) Muhammad Athar Javed
- Halabja Chemical Victims Society: Statement by Dr. Hoshyar M. Yousif
- Biosecure, UK: Statement by Kathryn Millett
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission, Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A: Statement by Ms. Irene Kornelly
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Maria Jose Espona
- Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict, New Delhi, India: Statement by Animesh Roul
- Jordanian Climate Change and Environment: Statement by Ret. Gen. Mansour Abu Rashid
- Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI): Statements by Dr. Daniel Esteban
- Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) from Iran: Statement by Elaheh Pooyandeh
- Association for the Defence of the Rights of Veterans and Victims of Chemical Weapons in Fars Province (SCWVSF) – Iran: Statement by Mohammad Reza Hajipour
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM): Statement by Diana S. Pyrikova
- Statement by Khder Kareem, IPB President at Kurdistan-Iraq, Mayors for Peace Vice-President and member of MfP Decision Committee
- Environmental Security and Sustainability, Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul Walker
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India: Statement by Ajey Lele
21st Conference of States Parties (2016)
- Pakistan House: Statement by Dr. Rana M. Athar Javed
- South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI): Statement by Dr. Maria Sultan
- Biosecure: Statement by Kathryn Millett
- Kentucky Environmental Foundation: Statement by Craig Williams
- Omega Research Foundation and University of Bradford, UK: Statement by Dr. Michael Crowley
- Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS): Statement by Elaheh Pooyandeh
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission: Statement by Irene Kornelly
- Uganda National Bureau of Standards: Statement by Jonan Kandwanaho
- Centre for Assistance to Justice and Animation for Development: Statement by Barthelemy Tchepnang
- Rif Memory Association: Statement by Dr. Abdelmajid Azzouzi
- Organization for Defending Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODVCW): Statement by Homeyra Karimivahed
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Maria Jose Espona
- Association for the Defence of Chemical Injuries in the Fars Province (SCWVSF): Statement by Mohammad Reza Hajipour
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA): Statement by Dr. Ajey Lele
- Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs: Statement by Sergey Batsanov
- Health Safety Environmental Research Association Rome (HESAR): Statement by Luigi Antonio Poggi
- International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS): Statement by Amb, Krzysztof Paturej
- Halabja Chemical Victims Society: Statement by Ahmed Zimnako
20th Conference of States Parties (2015)
- Pakistan House: Statement by Rana M. Athar Javed
- Organization for Defending Victims of Chemical Weapons Sardasht, Iran (ODVCW): Statement by Homayra Karimivahed
- International Committee of the Red Cross: Statement
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India: Statement Dr. Ajey Lele
- Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS), Iran: Statement by Elaheh Pooyandeh
- ArgIQ – Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Maria Jose Espona
- Green Cross International: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker
- MEF University, Istanbul: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu
- Colorado Citizens’ Advisory Commission: Statement by Irene Kornelly
- Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict: Statement by Animesh Roul
- Institute for Security Studies (ISS), South Africa: Statement by Noel Stott
- International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS): Statement by Amb. Krzysztof Paturej
- Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS): Statement by Jonan Kandwanaho
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM): Statement by Yiqun Wang
- Bradford University Non-Lethal Weapons Project and the Omega Research Foundation: Statement by Dr. Michael Crowley
- Kenyatta University: Statement by Dr. Margaret Muturi
- International Committee of the Red Cross: Statement
- Bulent Ecevit University: Statement by Dr. Sadik Toprak
19th Conference of States Parties (2014)
- Pakistan House: Statement by Rana M. Athar Javed
- Citizens’ Advisory Commission: Statement by Irene Kornelly
- Bradford Non-lethal Weapons Research Project and the Biochemical Security: Statement by Dr. Michael Crowley
- Chemical Weapons Working Group: Statement
- Green Cross Switzerland: Statement by Nathalie Gysi
- Verification Research Training and Information Center (VERTIC): Statement
- The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses: Statement by Dr. Rajiv Nayan
- Information Quality in Argentina: Statement by Maria Jose Espona
- MEF University: Statement by Dr. Mustafa Kibaroglu
- Institute for Security Studies (ISS): Statement by Amelia Broodryk
- Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition: Statement by Dr. Paul F. Walker
- Research Program on CBW of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio IRI): Statement by Dr. Kai iLchmann
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): Statement
- International Committee of the Red Cross: Statement
- China Controlled Chemicals Association: Statement by Li Shousheng
- International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA): Statement by Hubert Mandery