Our Members
Individual Members of the CWC Coalition
Our network includes individuals affiliated with these organizations. Organizations listed below are not necessarily members of the CWC Coalition.
If you don’t see your organization listed, contact us!
- African Centre for Science and International Security
- American Public Health Association
- American University
- Amman Center for Peace and Development
- ArgIQ – Information Quality Program in Argentina
- Arms Control Association
- Biosecure
- Birmingham University Institute of Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
- Brookings Doha Center
- Bulent Ecevit University
- Cairo University
- Canada-India Project for Research and Innovation (CIPRI) at York University
- CBW Events
- Cefic
- Center for Non-Proliferation and Export Control
- Centre for Assistance to Justice and Animation for Development
- Chatham House
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRN) at Cranfield University
- China Arms Control and Disarmament Association
- Chrome Biorisk Management Consulting
- City of Richmond
- Colorado Citizens Advisory Commission
- Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
- Disarmament and Security Centre
- Eaves Law Firm
- EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME)
- Environmental Protection and Public Care Organization
- Farmers Care Foundation
- Foundation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS)
- Galilee International Management Institute
- Green Cross International
- Green Environment Organisation
- Health Safety Environmental Research Association Rome (HESAR)
- Human Rights Development Organization
- IB Consultancy, the Netherlands
- Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
- Institute of Security Studies Africa
- International CBRNE Institute (ICI)
- International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS)
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions
- Iranian Law Firm
- Israeli Disarmament Movement
- Istanbul University
- Janbazan Medical and Engineering Research Center (JMERC)
- Kentucky Environmental Foundation
- Kenyatta University
- King’s College London
- Kurdish Organizations Network Coalition for the International Criminal Court (KONCICC)
- Mannig Consulting
- Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
- Mayors for Peace
- MEF University, Istanbul
- METO (Middle East Treaty Organisation)
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
- National Planning Authority
- Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael
- Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research TNO
- Nonproliferation for Global Security Foundation
- Pakistan House
- Parliamentarians for Global Action
- Peoples Sustainable Development Programmes
- Pollution Control Association
- Pugwash
- Rassemblement des Frères unis pour un développement socio-culturel du Bénin (RAFUDESC)
- Rutgers University – Camden
- Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University
- Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
- Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological Weapons at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
- SOAD University of London
- Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict, New Delhi
- Soran University
- South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI)
- St. Petersburg State University, Russia
- Stimson Foundation
- Tel Aviv University
- The American University in Cairo
- The Harvard Sussex Program
- The Hollings Center for International Dialogue
- The Peres Center for Peace and Innovation
- The Trench
- The University of Auckland
- The University of Embu, Kenya
- The United Service Institute of India
- TMC Asser Instituut
- TU Delft – Technology, Policy, and Management
- University of Hamburg
- University of Leeds
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- University of Bologna
- University of Bradford, Omega Research Foundation
- University of Sussex
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)
- Vertic
- Vidas Viequenses Valen
- World Health Organization (WHO)