CSP-29 Resources for Civil Society
Calendar of Civil Society Side Events

For more information about the Informal Workshop, click here.
NGO Statements
1. Statement on Improving Regional Representation
2. Statement on Chemical Weapons Destruction
3. Statement on the Intersection of Chemical Weapons and Artificial Intelligence Regulation
4. Statement on Improving Interactions between Civil Society and the OPCW
5. Statement on Advances in AI and Converging Technologies
6. Statement on Civil Society Recommendations for the Next Five Years
7. Statement on Old, Abandoned, Buried, and Sea Dumped Chemical Munitions
8. Statement on the Use of Riot Control Agents
9. Statement on Civil Society Participation and Transparency
10. Statement on the Implementation of an Online Monitoring System for Chemical Safety and Security
11. Statement on Educational Awareness
12. Statement on Engaging Public Health Organizations
13. Statement on State Disinformation
14. Statement on Syrian Chemical Weapons Atrocities