Event and Conference Summaries

Summary Report

107th Executive Council Session

The 41-member Executive Council (EC) of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) convened in The Hague from 8 to 11 October 2024, for the 107th Executive Council (EC-107) session. The Executive Council is responsible for promoting the effective implementation of and compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention. The EC will typically meet 3 times annually with several additional special sessions. 

This summary report will cover: 

  • Descriptions and key quotes of the major thematic topics discussed within the national statements of Council member states
  • Items of note, including: joint statements, notes verbales, reports by the Director-General

Need a refresher on the OPCW, CWC, or Executive Council? Check out these short educational videos produced by the OPCW.


Read the full report from the OPCW here.

Major Themes and Key Quotes

Please note: selected quotes are not necessarily representative of the views of the CWC Coalition or any of its members. Quotes are selected to highlight the diversity of opinions in the OPCW, and we try to find quotes that summarize the views of more than one country. Quotes will not always reflect all view points – they serve an educational purpose, but are not intended to give the reader a full understanding of all perspectives on each of these complex issues. 

Destruction-related issues

China and Japan

China and Japan briefed the OPCW EC on their destruction-related activities.

The OPCW reaffirmed that the Abandoning State Party must provide all necessary financial, technical, expert, facility, and other resources and that the Territorial State Party must provide appropriate cooperation and must express its determination to see the process through to the end and encourage the ASP to complete the destruction of the abandoned chemical weapons. The safety of people and the environment must also be protected. 

A total of nine on-site inspections at the abandoned chemical weapons (ACW) facilities have been successfully conducted in 2024.

More information: https://www.opcw.org/sites/default/files/documents/2023/05/%EF%BC%88SET%EF%BC%89JAPAN-ACW%20%28004%29.pdf

OPCW DG, EC members, and observers review progress on destruction of abandoned chemical weapons (ACWs) in China, 26 September 2024



Decision: Plan for Verification of destruction of CW declared as abandoned

Date: 9 October 2024 

Country: Germany

Link: https://www.opcw.org/sites/default/files/documents/2024/10/ec107dec08%28e%29.pdf

The EC approved a plan between Germany and the OPCW to conduct on-site inspections at the GEKA mbH site in Munster, Germany and agreed to a verification of destruction plan for the abandoned chemical weapons at the site. Approval of plan for verification of the destruction of GEKA mbH facility of abandoned chemical weapons declared by Germany. The Secretariat will verify all destruction.  

Planned duration is October 2024 – February 2025 

Elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons program

The topic of the elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons program was decided by the OPCW EC to be discussed at each EC meeting since 2016, until the EC determines that the elimination is complete.

The OPCW Secretariat provided a briefing to States Parties on the latest activities of the DAT, FFM, and IIT on 1 October 2024.

Addressing the threat from chemical weapons use

The EC noted the report by the DG on the progress that has been made towards implementing the decision of the Conference called “Addressing the Threat from Chemical Weapons Use”. The DG made a statement and the Legal Advisor provided a legal opinion. The Russian Federation then requested the circulation of a note verbale. Germany then requested the circulation of a note verbale. 

Status of implementation of Article VII

Article VII of the CWC concerns national implementation measures. Read the full text of the article here.


Status of Implementation of Article XI

Article XI of the CWC concerns economic and technological development. Read the full text of the article here.

Article XI of the CWC states: “The provisions of this Convention shall be implemented in a manner which avoids hampering the economic or technological development of States Parties, and international cooperation in the field of chemical activities for purposes not prohibited under this Convention including the international exchange of scientific and technical information and chemicals and equipment for the production, processing or use of chemicals for purposes not prohibited under this Convention.” During EC-100, several nations highlighted the need to renew efforts to ensure all States Parties have an equitable opportunity to participate in the international exchange of scientific and technical information. 

Status of Universality Action Plan

The EC adopted at its 23rd meeting (24 October 2003) an action plan for the universality of the CWC. The plan requires the DG to submit an annual report on the implementation of the action plan to the Conference at its regular sessions. 

The EC considered and noted the annual report for the period 16 Aug 2023 – 15 Aug 2024 which was submitted by the DG to the Council and Conference on 20 September 2024.

“For our part, the United States continues to uphold its obligations under the Convention to eliminate the remaining U.S. chemical weapons stockpile in Pueblo, Colorado, and Richmond, Kentucky. The United States has destroyed over 98 percent of its stockpile since entry-into force, with only 542 metric tonnes, or 1.95 percent, remaining to be destroyed. […] Once public health and safety concerns improve, we endeavor to host an in-person Executive Council visit as we near the end of the U.S. stockpile destruction process.” – Statement by H.E. Amb. Joseph Manso, United States of America

Items of Note

01. Report by DG on Addressing Threat from Chemical Terrorism

The full report can be read here. This is an annual report provided by the DG to the Council and Conference.

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