REMINDER: White Phosphorus Discussion |
Our first discussion series webinar will be led by Jean Pascal Zander (The Trench) and Alastair Hay (University of Leeds) on Wednesday, June 15, at 10:00 am EDT via Zoom. They will be discussing the nature of WP, the kind of harm it causes, and the place of incendiary weapons in international arms control and humanitarian law. After the discussion, Jean Pascal and Alastair are planning on creating a joint fact sheet/briefing paper, in which they take into account the types of questions or arguments made during the Q&A session of the discussion. Click here to download the email sent last week that describes in detail the goals, general schedule, and sign up procedure for the new discussion series initiative. RSVP Here |

Civil Society Scholarship for Asser Institute/OPCW Training
This year, the Netherlands and the OPCW are offering two civil society scholarships to cover the cost of the Asser Institute/OPCW Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of WMD training. Applications due July 4!

Submissions Still Open for CWC-Related Civil Society Papers
Brett Edwards and Stefano Costanzi are continuing to compile a collection of papers and reports from civil society with specific recommendations for the next CWC review conference. Submit your article/project below.
New Project: Documents on Disarmament As we continue to observe the 25th anniversary of the CWC’s entry into force, the CWC Coalition is working to build an archive of the various documents involved in the 20+ years of negotiating that led to the Chemical Weapons Convention. According to the OPCW, serious discussions on biological and chemical weapons treaties started in 1968 at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, so our archive begins in 1968. With this archive, you can trace the path of history as negotiators grappled with fundamental questions: how do you define a chemical weapon? How should stockpiles be destroyed? How do you make an implementing body? What should be done about abandoned chemical weapons? Many of the documents included in this archive come from the Documents on Disarmament series published by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. If you have a document you think we should include, send Leanne an email! View Archive Here |

(Arms Control Today): The Defense Department program responsible for eliminating the last vestiges of the U.S. chemical weapons arsenal is seeking regulatory approval for a new plan to speed destruction activities at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant in Colorado.
Read the article in Arms Control Today.
ON OUR CALENDAR 15 June — CWC Coalition Discussion Series: White Phosphorus – RSVP 4 July — Deadline to submit a civil society scholarship application for the Asser Institute/OPCW training – Learn more 5-8 July— OPCW: 100th Session of the Executive Council – See EC-100 documents |